Sunday, April 28, 2013

Alphabet Tree

We have just started using the Letter of the Week curriculum from Confessions of a Homeschooler.  Part of it involves putting letters on a tree like in the book, Chicka Chicka Boom Boom.  

I'm not much of a fan of palm trees, so I decided to make my own deciduous tree.  I tried free handing one, but I didn't like the look of it at all.  I searched Pinterest  for "diy wall tree" and found a free template that I could use.  I wish I could have painted it like it was intended, but I didn't want something so permanent.  I had thought about tracing it on some cardboard, but the image in my head didn't look so great, so I used construction paper.

Since construction paper is larger than printer paper, I printed it on printer paper, taped it and cut it out.  Then I traced it onto brown construction paper taped together and cut it out.  Then I taped it to the wall and cut out all the leaves from green construction paper and taped them up.  Other than being able to see all that tape, I really like it.  It is super cute and perfect for our school room.