Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Just Starting Out

I don't have anything profound to write about, I just thought it would be a good idea to document my crazy life.  I'm a stay at home wife and mommy.  I currently have two beautiful little girls under two.  People are always telling me we are brave for having them so close, but i think we are mostly just crazy.  Recently we decided to change over to cloth diapers as well as trying to potty train our eldest.  I would be so willing to pay someone to do it for us if we could afford it.  I also feel like my mind is going to explode woth all the things I'm wanting to do.  I opened an etsy store not so long ago and so i want to be sewing for that but there is also a ton of things I want to make for myself and the girls.  On top of that are my regular duties of housewife and mother.  I really need to figure out how to fit everything in better.